Jason is perhaps most well-known for his ill-fated romance with the sorceress Medeia, but this ancient Greek hero was also the leader of the Argonauts whose travels aboard the legendary...
He's the mysterious masked vigilante donned in a black cape, a signature dark sombrero and mask over his eyes disguising his true identity. He’s an agile athlete with exceptional tactical...
The name Riley comes from Gaelic and means "valiant". It was therefore the perfect choice for our beautiful ivory design. Become the warrior of light and let nothing stand in...
Zoey is a name of Greek origin with the most wonderful meaning - it means "life". This made us think of a habitat that is absolutely brimming with life is...
Sadie spends her days perfecting her dancing skill. This devoted ballerina lives for the moment when the crowd goes silent and the beam of light calls her to the stage....
The Mississippi river is almost 4000 km long and, in its path, it passes large cities, remote countryside, and what seems like endless forests. Due to these vibrant surroundings the...
We went scuba diving through Palau and were completely charmed by the beautiful scenery we encountered. Everything about it - the sandy white beaches, lush jungle vegetation and crystal clear...
Do you just love the allure of vibrant sandy beaches, but also like getting away from the crowds and enjoying some time for yourself? Malta has it all. Did we...
Hvar, a charming Croatian island, has something for everyone. Our favourite part of the island is the 13th-century walls that surround the charming port town. While we strolled around the...
Named after the stunning Cook Islands in South Pacific, this design was inspired by the island's natural beauty, its vibrant culture and its rich pirate history. Whether you're looking for...
Madagascar is known for its unique, almost out-of-this-world landscape, which looks even more majestic when the sun begins to set. When the last rays of sunshine reflects on their surface...
We are all familiar with the ancient Greek myth about the Minotaur of Crete. According to legend, he was so fierce that the locals designed a labyrinth to keep him...